I'm pleased to announce we already have close to 200 registrants for the official launch of Sinequa Enterprise Search at L'Echangeur in Paris, the evening of November 24th.
This event hosted by Frederick Simottel, editor of 01 Informatique, will begin with a welcome from Philip Lemoine, Chairman of the Groupe LaSer, who is a leader, an intellectual and a visionary in new technologies and their appropriate use in society.
We then have a presentation by Antoine Gourevitch, Managing Director of the Boston Consulting Group, who heads the IT practice in Paris. He will address issues of collective intelligence and the consequences of the info explosion on the role of the CIO in business today.
Following this strategic insight, Patrice Fontaine, Market Manager, IBM Lotus, will illustrate the transition from a standard enterprise to a collaborative enterprise, presenting IBM Smart planet and Smart workplace vision and how search fits into that.
I will then present Sinequa's vision on these topics, how Sinequa Enterprise Search transforms the enterprise and its Information Landscape. How Sinequa affects everyday life and the workplace of our users. I will include some interesting results from a recent study from IDC in passing.
Last but not least, there will be a demonstration of Sinequa Enterprise Search 7.0, the simple and revolutionary product that triggers standing ovations when in production (yes it's true and this is an important part of the value of our solution: re-motivating people who have lost the desire to work in a professional environment that has become too complicated and cumbersome - tell your account managers, your clients or acquaintances who are engineers, consultants and project managers).
Finally, Franck Peyramaure our VP of Alliances, will conclude and thank our partners, event sponsors, including Platinum Partner IBM, and Gold Sponsors Logica, Atos Origin and EdifiXio, before inviting our guests to enjoy a glass of champagne and a buffet. If you're in the ecosystem of Sinequa business and not a competitor, sign up quickly – you're welcome to join us.